Preventing an IP address from being polled, as an IP addresses listed in the "ipExcludeList" are still polled
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Preventing an IP address from being polled, as an IP addresses listed in the "ipExcludeList" are still polled


Article ID: 304292


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance


How can I prevent an IP address from being polled by Smarts IP? Even though an IP address is listed in the "ipExcludeList", it is still polled.  

How does the ipExcludeList work in the Smarts IP discovery.conf file?


Smarts 10.1.X / 2.X


The ipExcludeList is only used during auto-discovery.


If you want to prevent Smarts IP from polling an IP address, you must set it to Unmanaged. 

If an IP address is set to Unmanaged, Smarts IP Manager will not use that IP address for polling or discovery.

To unmanage an IP address, open the Smarts Domain Manager Administration Console, right-click on the IP address, and select Unmanage from the menu.