Smarts Server Manager (ESM)/Windows: Server Manager cannot launch JVM even though SM_JAVA_ENABLED variable is set to TRUE
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Smarts Server Manager (ESM)/Windows: Server Manager cannot launch JVM even though SM_JAVA_ENABLED variable is set to TRUE


Article ID: 304283


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Smarts Server Manager/ESM in Windows environment cannot launch Java Virtual Machine (JVM) even though SM_JAVA_ENABLED variable is set to TRUE
The following error messages are found in the Smarts Server Manager/ESM log file after starting the server:

[August 7, 2012 4:38:25 PM EDT +866ms] t@6028 CI_JVM PRIMARY
JVM-E-EBADHOME2-Environment variable SM_JAVAHOME specified without SM_JAVA must point to a standard jvm, but SM_JAVAHOME is neither SM_HOME/jre nor SM_JDK_HOME/jre. Unable to launch Java Virtual Machine.; in file "t:/DMT-9.0.1.X/23/smarts/clsapi/ci_jvm.c" at line 412

[August 7, 2012 4:38:25 PM EDT +866ms] t@5764 InCharge Framework
JIF-E-JVMIF_ERROR_IN_USING_CI_JVM-Error occurred while trying to get the handle to the JVM object.
 JVM-ENOJAVA-Java Virtual Machine support not enabled; in file "t:/DMT-9.0.1.X/23/smarts/clsapi/ci_jvm.c" at line 1338

[August 7, 2012 4:38:25 PM EDT +866ms] t@5764 InCharge Framework
ASL-W-ERROR_RULE_SOURCE-While executing rule set 'd:\InCharge\ESM\smarts\rules\esm\esm-init.asl'
 ASL-ERROR_ACTION-While executing action at:
 ASL-CALL_STACK_RULE-   RuleName: InitializeJVM, Line: 511
 ASL-CALL_STACK_RULE-   RuleName: START, Line: 93
 ASL-ERROR_INVOKE-While attempting to invoke operation 'invokeStaticMethod' of object 'Singleton_JVM_Interface::VMwareSDKInterface'
 JIF-JVMIF_EXCEPTIONINGETTINGCIJVM-Error in InvokedStaticMethod: Exception in getting CI_JVM.
 JIF-JVMIF_ERROR_IN_USING_CI_JVM-Error occurred while trying to get the handle to the JVM object.

Testing vCenter Credentials fail for Smarts Server Manager/ESM environment


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Lower-case drive letters were specified for the Server Manager installation directory. The Windows install program allows lower-case drive letters when specifying installation directories, but this causes a problem with enviromental variable settings in the file (local/conf/ used by Server Manager. This problem will also occur if lower-case drive letters are present on the host and the default location is used.


If you encounter this issue in your environment, do the following:
  1. Open the Smarts for editing in sm_edit:

    <BASEDIR>/smarts/bin/sm_edit conf/

  2. Change the SM_JAVAHOME variable so that the drive letter specified matches the case of the drive letter specified for SM_HOME.
  3. Restart the Server Manager/ESM server.

If you require further information or assistance with this issue, contact the EMC Customer Support Center to open a Service Request (SR) and reference this solution ID in your SR.

Additional Information

This article was written for the Smarts Server Manager 9.0 environment but could be encountered in other versions of this product.