Change the 'Source' field of a Smarts syslog notification.
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Change the 'Source' field of a Smarts syslog notification.


Article ID: 304282


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance



  • Modifying the 'Source' field of a Smarts syslog notification from the default "Syslog Processor" in SAM/OI.


  • SMARTS - 10.1.x
  • SMARTS DM - 2.x
  • TCSA - 2.x


To change the Source field of a Smarts syslog notification from the default "Syslog Processor", Please do the following:

  •  Use sm_edit to open the syslog_mgr.asl file for editing as follows:
    • <BASEDIR>/SAM/smarts/sm_edit rules/icoi-syslog/syslog_mgr.asl 
  • Find the following entry in the syslog_mgr.asl file:
    • ics_domain_name ="Syslog Processor"; 
  • Change Syslog Processor to the domain name that will be the source of syslog notifications.
  • Save and close the syslog_mgr.asl file.
  • Restart the syslog adapter process and the INCHARGE-OI domain manager. 

Note: The only new syslog events that are received after this restart will reflect the new Source name. Syslog events that were received before the changes implemented by this restart will still have the old Source name.