CurrentUtilization is not calculated for certain interfaces
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CurrentUtilization is not calculated for certain interfaces


Article ID: 304279


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance



  • CurrentUtilization is not calculated for certain interfaces


  • SMARTS - 10.1.x
  • SMARTS DM  - 2.x
  • TCSA - 2.x


Analysis of sub-interface performance is disabled.


To enable sub-interface performance analysis, set the parameter AnalysisModeOfSubInterface-Performance to ENABLED for the appropriate interface.The steps to do this are as follows:

  1. Open the Domain Manager Administration Console via Windows or via the Web Console.

  2. From the tool bar, click on configure and select Polling and Thresholds.

  3. Select the Tresholds Tab in the bottom left corner.

  4. Underneath the domain tree, click the plus sign for Interface Groups

  5. Select an Interface and click on the plus sign.

  6. Click the plus sign to the left of Settings.

  7. Select Ethernet Interface/Port Performance.

  8. Scroll to the top of AnalysisModeofSubInterface-Performance.

  9. Click on the drop down menu and select enable.

Additional Information

The AnalysisModeOfSubInterface-Performance parameter is found within the Polling and Thresholds Console, in the performance settings for the Interface Group that contains the interface.