Formula for calculating Cisco IOS XR memory and voltage alarms due to receiving:
Smarts 10.X / 2.X
event OutOfRange
"Indicates that the voltage for this device is outside of the normal "
"operating range and exceeds RelativeVoltageThreshold."
= if ValidThresholds && Status != VoltageSensor::SHUTDOWN
check ValidValue &&
((IsPositiveVoltage &&
(CurrentValue > HighThreshold "" CurrentValue < LowThreshold))
"" (!IsPositiveVoltage &&
(CurrentValue < HighThreshold "" CurrentValue > LowThreshold)));
The following sections of this Fix statement explain how Smarts IP for the versions specified above (see Note statement) calculates alarms for InsufficientFreeMemory and VoltageSensor OutOfRange.
Smarts IP InsufficientFreeMemory Memory alarms
To calculate InsufficientFreeMemory alarms, Smarts does the following:
cempMemPoolFree = " (to get FreeMemory)
= cempMemPoolFree / 1024 (to refine computed FreeMemory)
cempMemPoolUsed = " (to get TotalMemory)
= (cempMemPoolUsed + cempMemPoolFree) / 1024; (to refine computed TotalMemory)
= TotalMemory > 0 ?
(double(FreeMemory) * 100.0 / double(TotalMemory) ) : 100.0
else 0.0;
= if FreeMemoryThreshold > 0
check FreeMemoryPct < FreeMemoryThreshold ""
TotalBufferAllocationFailures > 0;
VoltageSensor OutOfRange alarms
To calculate VoltageSensor OutOfRange alarms, Smarts does the following:
entSensorValue = "
entSensorStatus = "
CurrentValue = entSensorValue/1000.0
refine computed HighThreshold
= (1 - RelativeVoltageThreshold/100) *
refine computed LowThreshold
= (1 + RelativeVoltageThreshold/100) *
refine OutOfRange_attributes
return "LIST - Status "
" VOLT HighThreshold "
" VOLT LowThreshold "
" VOLT CurrentValue "
" PCT RelativeVoltageThreshold "
" - entSensorValue ";