How to configuring two Smarts IP domains from same install to listen for traps on different ports.
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How to configuring two Smarts IP domains from same install to listen for traps on different ports.


Article ID: 304260


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VMware Smart Assurance



How to configuring two Smarts IP domains from same install to listen for traps on different ports.
How to configuring Smarts AM, PM, or IP for multiple trap listeners.

 ASL-ERROR_INVOKE-While attempting to invoke operation 'start' of object
 <SYS>-EADDRINUSE-Address already in use


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


To configure two IP domains from a single install area to use different trap listening ports, follow the instructions below:
  1. Create a directory called icf2 (or any name you choose) in <basedir>/IP/smarts/local/conf/
         For example: <basedir>/IP/smarts/local/conf/icf2
  2. Copy <basedir>/IP/smarts/conf/icf/TRAP.import to <basedir>/IP/smarts/local/conf/icf2/TRAP.import
  3. Edit <basedir>/IP/smarts/local/conf/icf2/TRAP.import and change the following entry:
         fileName = "SM_HOME/conf/trapd/trapd.conf"
         fileName = "SM_HOME/conf/trapd/trapd2.conf"
  4. Copy <basedir>/IP/smarts/conf/trapd/trapd.conf to <basedir>/IP/smarts/conf/trapd/trapd2.conf
  5. Edit <basedir>/IP/smarts/conf/trapd/trapd2.conf and change the PORT: entry to an unused port number.  By default the trap listener is on port 9000. Many users will choose port 9001 for the second domain.
  6. Configure sm_service to start the second AM domain using the following startup option: --config=icf2

This will allow you to startup two IP domains listening on different ports.