You cannot have more than one declaration in the mymodel1.mdl file. The following is from Dynamic Model Tutorial Rev A02:
Restrictions of dynamic modeling
Single class refinement
All refinements to a class must be contained in a single
refine interface <classname> declaration. For example, you cannot have a
refine interface Router declaration in the mymodel1.mdl file, and then another refine
interface Router in the mymodel2.mdl. Likewise, you cannot have more than one refine
interface Router declaration in the mymodel1.mdl file.
refine interface Router
attribute boolean IsIbmMemoryFault
"Enable or disable IBM host memory fault insrumentation, enabled by default"
= TRUE;attribute boolean IsProcessorFault
"Enable or disable Processor fault insrumentation, enabled by default"
= TRUE;attribute boolean IsDellMemoryFault
"Enable or disable Dell host memory fault insrumentation, enabled by default"
= TRUE;}