How does Smarts IP create and clear HSRP endpoint failures?
Smarts generates a "SwitchOver" event when the HSRPEndpoint state changes from STANDBY to ACTIVE. Based on the following formula smarts generates the event:
refine computed IsSwitchOverActive
= State == HSRPEndpoint::ACTIVE_HSRP &&
IsSwitchOverEnabled &&
ActiveTimeTicker < StableTime;
The state of the HSRPEndpoint should be ACTIVE to generate the event. ActiveTimeTicker represent the approximate number of seconds since the HSRP endpoint switched over StableTime is set to 1800 sec When the "SwitchOver" event occurs is stays as long as the state is ACTIVE and ActiveTimeTicker is less than StableTime.(That means the event stays only for 30 min and after that it clears)
When a router switches over from Active to standby, SMARTS does not generate the event. It only generates when the router switches over from Standby to Active state