Smarts TSM: Topology Split Manager (TSM) generates unbalanced AM seedfiles.
Article ID: 304246
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VMware Smart Assurance
Topology Split Manager (TSM) generates unbalanced AM seedfiles When doing a split from scratch in TSM, the resulting seedfiles for each of the underlying domain managers has a drastically uneven number of devices across all the seedfiles
The seedfile with the largest number of devices has as many as five times the number of devices as the seedfile with the lowest number of devices
VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS
This unbalance of devices is not a problem. TSM uses the number of managed Network Adapters as a baseline to evenly split the topology. Its goal is to ensure that an even number of managed Network Adapters is split into each AM seedfile.
No action is required to fix this as it is not a problem. Run the following command for each of the AM domains that TSM will split to, to verify the number of managed Network Adapters that TSM will split into each domain:
<BASEDIR>/smarts/bin/dmctl -s INCHARGE-TSM get TopoSplit_InChargeDomain::INCHARGE-AM1::NumberOfManagedNetworkAdapters
Compare the values returned from this command for a better understanding of how TSM is splitting the topology.