This article explains the workaround for following symptoms observed in Smarts:
Error message: CLI-E-NOTIFICATION_NOT_FOUND-Notification Not found for the given class 'Router' name 'XYZ123' event 'Impacted'.
dmctl -s <SAM or OI> invoke ICS_NotificationFactory::ICS-NotificationFactory archiveNotification ICS_Notification::"<NOTIFICATION_NAME which need to be removed>" <User> "<message>"
dmctl -s <SAM> invoke ICS_NotificationFactory::ICS-NotificationFactory
archiveNotification ICS_Notification::"NOTIFICATION-<notification_name/instance>" admin Archived this alarm manually.
"Archived this alarm manually"
Bulk removal of notifications via CLI can be achieved by running the following command.
./dmctl -s <SAM or OI> geti ICS_Notification;
For each $n result, run the following:
./dmctl -s <SAM or OI> invoke ICS_NotificationFactory::ICS-NotificationFactory archiveNotification ICS_Notification\:\:$n admin "Forcing archive of notification"; done
To clear a notification using dmctl, run the following command:
./dmctl -s <SAM or OI> invoke ICS_Notification::"<instance>" clear <user> <SourceDomainName>