Smarts IP: Receive error when creating an domain instance for a Smarts IP domain using dmctl
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Smarts IP: Receive error when creating an domain instance for a Smarts IP domain using dmctl


Article ID: 304227


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VMware Smart Assurance



Receive error when creating an domain instance for a Smarts IP domain using dmctl
Receive error when trying to create an instance of a Class in a Smarts IP domain using the dmctl create command as in the following example attempting to create an instance of Class Switch called Switch1:

dmctl> create Switch::Switch1
CI-E-EGENERIC-At h:/FOUNDATION-7.2.0.X/42/smarts/repos/mr/dyn_acc.c:1656
MR-E-DUPLICATENAME-Tried to create an object with a non-unique name; in
. "i:\sam-7.2.0.x\34\smarts\ics\winnt-i386\optimize\dslam-ext.h" at line
. : Tried to create an object with a non-unique name
MR-DUPLICATENAME-Tried to create an object with a non-unique name

There is no current Switch1 created in Class Switch though all the Switches in the domain are listed


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


There is another instance within all the classes that has the same name as the instance trying to be created ("Switch1" in the example), as indicated by MR-DUPLICATENAME in the example erroe. Each Class instance must be unique.


To resolve this issue, do the following:

  1. Search through the domain-name.rps file for the name that you are trying to add. This file is found here:

    BASEDIR/IP/smarts/local/repos/icf/domain-name.rps file
  2. Determine what Class the instance already belongs to and remove or adjust as required.