Smarts: How many times and at what interval does a Smarts domain try to register with the broker?
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Smarts: How many times and at what interval does a Smarts domain try to register with the broker?


Article ID: 304207


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VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How many times and at what interval does a Smarts domain try to register with the broker?

After the first attempt to register fails, the next attempt is made 5 seconds later.  Then the interval increases by 1.5x the previous interval in seconds until it reaches 3600 seconds. Once the interval reaches 3600 seconds, the Smarts domain continues to try to register with the broker every 3600 seconds infinitely until the domain is shutdown. 
  1. 5
  2. 7.5
  3. 11.25
  4. 16.88
  5. 25.31
  6. 37.97
  7. 56.95
  8. 85.43
  9. 128.14
  10. 192.22
  11. 288.33
  12. 432.49
  13. 648.73
  14. 973.1
  15. 1459.65
  16. 2189.47
  17. 3284.2
  18. 3600