Smarts SDI Adapter 1.2: How can I keep the reporting tables from updating? How can I disable the SDI Adapter database reporting?
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Smarts SDI Adapter 1.2: How can I keep the reporting tables from updating? How can I disable the SDI Adapter database reporting?


Article ID: 304179


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VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How can I keep the Smarts SDI Adapter 1.2 reporting tables from updating?
How can I disable the Smarts SDI Adapter 1.2  database reporting?

How can I prevent the Smarts SDI Adapter 1.2  database reporting tables from using memory and disk overhead?

 To resolve this issue, do the following to disable updates to the reporting tables in the Smarts SDI Adapter 1.2 database:

  1. Open the Smarts SDI sdi.conf configuration file for editing.
  2. Set the enableNewRMData property to FALSE.
  3. Save and close the Smarts SDI sdi.conf configuration file.