Smarts SAM: How can I log specific traps to a log file, but not receive a Notification for it in SAM console?
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Smarts SAM: How can I log specific traps to a log file, but not receive a Notification for it in SAM console?


Article ID: 304176


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How can I log specific traps to a log file, but not receive and display a Notification for it in SAM console?


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Set the State attribute to CLEAR in the trap of trap_mgr.conf configuration file. To do this:
  1. Open the trap_mgr.conf configuration file for editing as follows:

    <BASEDIR>/SAM/smarts/bin/sm_edit conf/icoi/trap_mgr.conf

  2. Change the State attribute to CLEAR as shown in the following example:

    BEGIN_TRAP . * *
    ClassName: SNMPTrap
    InstanceName: $SYS$
    EventName: Undefined CIM 02 Trap
    Severity: 5
    Expiration: 60
    State: CLEAR
    LogFile: discarded.log

  3. Restart the trap adapter. IMPORTANT: The trap adapter will not receive traps while it is restarting.  If this is not acceptable, use solution 498769 as a workaround to the trap adapter restart.

Additional Information

Once the State attribute is set to CLEAR, traps will be logged in discarded.log file in the <BASEDIR>/SAM/smarts/local/logs/ directory.