Smarts IP: Receiving 'down' notifications rather than 'disabled' from MIB2 'ifadminstatus' OID for interfaces in Juniper Netscreen SSG-5 device (. that is reporting a status of admin 'down'
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Smarts IP: Receiving 'down' notifications rather than 'disabled' from MIB2 'ifadminstatus' OID for interfaces in Juniper Netscreen SSG-5 device (. that is reporting a status of admin 'down'


Article ID: 304153


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VMware Smart Assurance



Smarts IP is receiving "down" notifications rather than "disabled" from MIB2 ifadminstatus OID for interfaces in Juniper Netscreen SSG-5 device (. that is reporting a status of admin "down"
Juniper Netscreen SSG-5 device (. is reporting a status of admin "down"

Smarts IP is receiving "down" notifications rather than "disabled" from MIB2 ifadminstatus OID


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The following OIDs are used to monitor the interfaces found in the Juniper Netscreen SSG-5 device.

The tablesĀ for these Vendor OIDs do not contain the ADMIN status variable. In addition, the admin status OID variable from MIB2 table (ifAdminStatus) cannot be used to monitor the interfaces because the indexing in MIB2 is different from that used in NsrpVsdInterfaceTable and netscreenInterfaceTable. As a result, there is no way to map the interfaces in MIB2 to Netscreen interface tables.


To resolve this issue, the only option available to Smarts IP systems is to hardcode the Admin Status of the interfaces as UP. Unless a new admin status attribute is added to NsrpVsdInterfaceTable and netscreenInterfaceTable by the vendor (Juniper/Netscreen), admin status must remain hardcoded to provide the required functionality.

To work around the issue of receiving "down" notifications instead of "disabled" for interfaces that have been set to an Admin down state, these interfaces should be unmanaged.