Smarts SAM: How to find the Notification List being used for a BIM instance subscribing to SAM?
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Smarts SAM: How to find the Notification List being used for a BIM instance subscribing to SAM?


Article ID: 304129


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How can I get the Smarts Service Assurance Manager (Smarts SAM) Notification List that is being used for a BIM instance subscribing to SAM?
How to find the Notification List being used in runtime when a BIM instance subscribes to SAM.

To see the Notification List being used at the runtime when a BIM instance subscribes to SAM, execute following dmctl commands from the /bin directory (<BASEDIR>/SAM/smarts/bin):

Command Syntax:
dmctl -s <MBIM Server Name> -b <broker location> geti GA_NLSubscription
dmctl -s <MBIM Server Name> -b <broker location> get GA_NLSubscription::ICS-Business-Impact-Driver-SUB

Command Example #1 - Getting the NL subscribers
dmctl -s INCHARGE-MBIM -b localhost:8131 geti GA_NLSubscription

Command Example #1 Output

Command Example #2 - Getting the NL for the BIM subscriber
dmctl -s INCHARGE-MBIM -b localhost:8131 get GA_NLSubscription::ICS-Business-Impact-Driver-SUB

Command Example #2 Output
Properties of GA_NLSubscription::ICS-Business-Impact-Driver-SUB:
CreationClassName = GA_NLSubscription
Name = ICS-Business-Impact-Driver-SUB
ServiceName =
SubscribedFrom = { GA_SubscriberFE::ICS-Business-Impact-Driver-FE }

In the above example, the output shows that ALL_NOTIFICATIONS is the Notification List being used by the BIM instance subscribing to SAM.