Smarts SAM: The sm_trapd "privopen" argument is ignored for trap receiver
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Smarts SAM: The sm_trapd "privopen" argument is ignored for trap receiver


Article ID: 304097


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Smarts Service Assurance Manager (Smarts SAM) sm_trapd "--privopen" argument is ignored for trap receiver:

sm_trapd -n TRAP-INCHARGE-OI -s INCHARGE-OI --config=icoi --rules=icoi-trapd/trap_mgr_parse.asl -p 162 --ascii --model=sm_actions --output --daemon --privopen=UDP:162 --run-as-user=smarts

The following error in the <BASEDIR>/SAM/smarts/local/logs/sm_trapd_en_US_UTF-8.log:

TRAP_MSG-*-INITIALIZING_THREADS-Initializing 1 threads.
[December 1, 2011 7:35:40 AM EST +335ms]
t@2332916768 <Primary Thread>
TRAP_MSG-*-PORT_TO_RECV_TRAP-The port used to receive traps is 162.
[December 1, 2011 7:35:40 AM EST +338ms]
t@2332916768 <Primary Thread>
TRAP-E-MANAGER_START_FAILURE-While attempting to start the trap manager.
<SYS>-EACCES-Permission denied
NX-BIND-Unable to bind socket to ''; in file "/work/blackcurrent/DMT-9.0.0.X/1359/smarts/clsapi/network/lib/NX_Socket.c" at line 133


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The command help (--help) information for sm_trapd is incorrect.

--privopen=<priv-list>  List of sockets that require privilege state before

                            changed process to run in the account specified

                            by --run-as-user. The <priv-list> is a comma

                            separated list of type[:family]:protocol[,#count].

                            Type is TCP, UDP or IP.  Family is v6 or v4.

When the type is IP, Protocol is the protocol number (such as 1 for ICMP, 58 for ICMPv6). When the type is TCP/UDP, Protocol is the port number


EMC is evaluating the requirements to resolve this issue in an upcoming Smarts SAM product release. For the latest information on this issue, contact EMC Customer Support Services (CSS) for Smarts SAM and reference this solution ID.