Standard MIB
ifInErrors = ""
ifInDiscards = ""
ifInUnknownProtos = ""
ifInUcastPkts = ""
ifInNUcastPkts = ""ifOutErrors = ""
ifOutDiscards = ""
ifOutUcastPkts = ""
ifOutNUcastPkts = ""
Based on polling results for these OIDs, the following calculations used to derive the value for HighErrorRate:
= rate(ifInErrors, PollingInterval) +
rate(ifInDiscards, PollingInterval) +
rate(ifInUnknownProtos, PollingInterval) +
rate(ifInUcastPkts, PollingInterval) +
rate(ifInNUcastPkts, PollingInterval);OutputPacketRate
= rate(ifOutErrors, PollingInterval) +
rate(ifOutDiscards, PollingInterval) +
rate(ifOutUcastPkts, PollingInterval) +
rate(ifOutNUcastPkts, PollintInterval;InputPacketErrorPct
= (InputPacketErrorRate / (InputPacketRate) * 100;OutputPacketErrorPct
= (OutputPacketErrorRate / (OutputPacketRate) * 100;HighErrorRate
event HighErrorRate
= CurrentUtilization > MinimumUtilization &&
(InputPacketErrorPct > ErrorThreshold ||
OutputPacketErrorPct > ErrorThreshold);