Smarts MPLS/Smarts AM: How do you remove an unwanted Smarts AM domain source from Smarts MPLS Manager?
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Smarts MPLS/Smarts AM: How do you remove an unwanted Smarts AM domain source from Smarts MPLS Manager?


Article ID: 304083


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VMware Smart Assurance



How do you remove an unwanted Smarts AM domain source from Smarts MPLS Manager?

Interfaces are not being deleted when Smarts MPLS is synchronized with underlying Smarts IP domain


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Smarts MPLS cannot automatically remove an unwanted Smarts AM domain source. This is because an IP object in the topology is LayeredOver multiple interfaces and a member of multiple Smarts AM and Smarts PM domains, as is seen in the following example:

Properties of IP::IP-

LayeredOver = { }
MemberOf = { InChargeDomain::InChargeDomain_IP-AM InChargeDomain::InChargeDomain_IP-AM-OLD }

In the above example, interfaces that are not being deleted when MPLS is synchronized with an underlying IP domain can happen when IP-AM replaces IP-AM-OLD, and the MPLS domain rps file has not been removed before start up.


There is no automated functionality in Smarts MPLS to remove an unwanted Smarts AM domain source. To remove an unwanted Smarts AM domain source, you must manually remove the MPLS repository file and add the new Smarts AM domain source again. If you require this MPLS domain functionality, please submit an enhancement request as described in emc134867.