Smarts IP: Does changing Interface MaxSpeed manually within the console or by dmctl affect the calculation of Interface Performance Events?
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Smarts IP: Does changing Interface MaxSpeed manually within the console or by dmctl affect the calculation of Interface Performance Events?


Article ID: 304079


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Does changing Interface MaxSpeed manually within the Smarts IP Manager (Smarts IP) console or by dmctl affect the calculation of Interface Performance Events?
 The operational speed of the interface is lower then the capable or MaxSpeed, so I want to lower the MaxSpeed of the interface so that Interface Performance Events are more accurate


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


You should adjust the Speed of the interface through direct device configuration rather then trying to change the MaxSpeed value in the Smarts IP console or by a dmctl command.

Additional Information

Interface MaxSpeed is a value in the equation for how Smarts IP Manager calculates interface performance events.

If you change the MaxSpeed of an interface manually through the Smarts IP console or by dmctl command, this value will not be taken into consideration when calculating interface performance events, nor will this value persist through device rediscoveries.