Smarts IP: Is there a way to reload the discovery.conf file without having to restart the domain?
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Smarts IP: Is there a way to reload the discovery.conf file without having to restart the domain?


Article ID: 304078


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VMware Smart Assurance



Is there a way to reload the discovery.conf file without having to restart the domain?

The sm_tpmgr --load-conf command does not work for the discovery.conf file


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


There is currently no way to reload the discovery.conf file. Most other conf files can be reloaded without a restart by using the following command:

<BASEDIR>/IP/smarts/bin/sm_tpmgr -s <domain name> --load-conf=<conf file>

However, the --load-conf command will not work for the discovery.conf file.


To reload the discovery.conf file without having to restart the domain, you can do the following:
  1. Use dmctl commands to change whatever configuration details are required (see Note statement).
  2. Make the corresponding changes in the discovery.conf file.

Additional Information

The changes made using dmctl will take effect immediately, but will not persist through a domain restart. However, the changes in discovery.conf will persist through the restart. You can test a change by making the change temporarily using dmctl. If the change turns out positive, you can make the change permanent in discovery.conf.