Smarts SAM/EISM: How can we stop/disable notifications appearing in Smarts SAM for Virtual Machines that have been powered off? Can we unmanage VMs in EISM so that notifications will not appear in SAM?
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Smarts SAM/EISM: How can we stop/disable notifications appearing in Smarts SAM for Virtual Machines that have been powered off? Can we unmanage VMs in EISM so that notifications will not appear in SAM?


Article ID: 304054


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VMware Smart Assurance



How can we stop/disable notifications appearing in Smarts Service Assurance Manager (Smarts SAM) for Virtual Machines that have been powered off?
Can we unmanage VMs in EISM so that notifications will not appear in Smarts SAM for VMs that have been powered off?

Notifications are appearing in Smarts SAM for Virtual Machines that have been powered off


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


It is not possible to unmanage VMs in EISM. However, it is possible to disable notifications from a VM using the following dmctl command:

./dmctl -s <EISMDomainName> put VirtualMachine::<VMInstanceName>::DisableEvents TRUE

When this command is run, existing notifications for this VM will disappear from SAM and no further notifications will be generated.

Once the VM is powered on again, you can re-enable notifications as follows:

./dmctl -s <EiSMDomainName> put VirtualMachine::<VMInstanceName>::DisableEvents FALSE

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Above DisableEvents will be reset depends on the Polling and Thershold group setting. Below KB article 209656 have work steps to create a new group for PoweredOff VM with default DisableEvents true.