Smarts IP: Can I disable the pending list entry for a discovered device? Device already successfully discovered is displayed in both the Smarts IP topology and pending list
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Smarts IP: Can I disable the pending list entry for a discovered device? Device already successfully discovered is displayed in both the Smarts IP topology and pending list


Article ID: 304047


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Can I disable the pending list entry for a discovered device in Smarts IP?
Can I disable a device from being listed in the pending table if it is already shown in the Smarts IP topology?

Smarts IP device already successfully discovered is displayed in both the Smarts IP topology and pending list


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


A device discovered successfully previously will be displayed in both the Smarts IP topology and pending list if it does not reply to ICMP or SNMP request during rediscovery.


There is no standard Smarts IP feature to disable a device from showing in the pending list if it fails during rediscovery. However, you can achieve this functionality using a customized script. To do this, create a script with the following command: 

./dmctl -s INCHARGE-AM-PM invoke AD_Pending::AD-Pending removePending <Device IP>

This command will remove the device from pending list if the device is already discovered and now reports unresponsive.