ASL: How can I test that my Smarts ASL script has the correct syntax?
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ASL: How can I test that my Smarts ASL script has the correct syntax?


Article ID: 304041


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


Customers can and use ASL scripts to perform functions and extract, enrich data from the events in Vmware Smart Assurance 


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How can I test that my Smarts ASL script has the correct syntax?

The Smarts sm_adapter --verify [filename.asl] will generate errors if any of the rules within the customized Smarts ASL file have faulty syntax. The errors generated will be similar to the following (see Note statement):

ASL-E-ERROR_RULE_INIT-While initializing rule set
 ASL-ERROR_FILE_PARSE-While parsing rules in file
 ASL-ERROR_YACC_ERROR-syntax error at line 38, next token is 'xxxx'

Please note:  VMware does not support creating or customizing ASL scripts.  Please contact your VMware Account Manager engage Professional Services engagement.

Additional Information

Only the rules within the ASL file will be parsed with this switch.