Which OID does Smarts AM use to determine if a device is BGP enabled for discovery by Smarts NPM
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Which OID does Smarts AM use to determine if a device is BGP enabled for discovery by Smarts NPM


Article ID: 304012


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Which OID is used by Smarts AM to determine if device is configured to run BGP protocol?


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


bgpPeerLocalAddr .

Additional Information

During discovery, AM queries a device.s SNMP agent for an additional MIB object named bgpPeerLocalAddr (MIB OID bgpPeerLocalAddr . to determine whether the device supports the BGP routing protocol.  If bgpPeerLocalAddr exists for the device, AM creates an ApplicationService::BGPService-<sysName> object and a HostedBy/HostsServices relationship between the device and the BGP service object.  AM maintains the BGP router and service objects in a BGP object collection set, along with the Interface, Port, VLAN, IPNetwork, Card, Chassis, NetworkConnection, and IP objects associated with the BGP router and service objects.  Whenever AM saves its topology, NPM does a topology synchronization to import the content of the BGP object collection set.  Thus the BGP Server knows exactly which topology devices to perform a discovery on for BGP components.