Smarts Adapters: Smarts Adapter crashes with "Bad Host Address string" message; Can you use underscores ( _ ) in the hostname of the server running Smarts?
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Smarts Adapters: Smarts Adapter crashes with "Bad Host Address string" message; Can you use underscores ( _ ) in the hostname of the server running Smarts?


Article ID: 304007


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Can you use underscores in the hostname of the server running Smarts?
Does Smarts support the use of underscores in the hostname of the server running Smarts?

Smarts Adapter crashes when starting with message:

[02-Apr-2010 2:24:36 PM+280ms Ekaterinburg Daylight Time] t@4668 dmboot
NX-E-BADHOSTADDRSTRING-Bad Host Address string "Smarts_san_server".;
    in file "l:/FOUNDATION-7.2.0.X/18/smarts/clsapi/network/lib/NX_Resolver.c"
    at line 184


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


With the DMT build 26 used with Smarts adapters, the underscore '_' cannot be used in the hostname of the Smarts Server.


To work around this issue, remove the underscore from the hostname of the Smarts server. Underscore '_' in hostname is supported in a later DMT version. For more information, contact your EMC support representative or the EMC Customer Support Center and quote this solution ID.