Smarts SAM: What is the 'PropsName' variable in ics-nl-processing.asl file and how is it used?
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Smarts SAM: What is the 'PropsName' variable in ics-nl-processing.asl file and how is it used?


Article ID: 304005


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VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


What is the PropsName variable in the Smarts SAM ics-nl-processing.asl file and how is it used?

PropsName is the name of an object whose class is "ASL_NLData". The following presents the structure for this class:
Class ASL_NLData (MR_MetaObject)
no description available
    Attributes for class ASL_NLData
        CreationClassName (STRING):
                    The name of the most-derived class of this instance.
        NLObjectName (STRING):
                    The object name of the NL that generated this notification
        Name (STRING):
                    Name of object
        ServiceName (STRING):
                    Name of external server used for imported events and
                    instrumented attributes.
    Operations for class ASL_NLData
        clone (OBJREF):
            Returns a new instance of the same class as the present one,
            duplicating the values of all attributes and tables except Name.
                (STRING) clone_name
        exists (BOOLEAN):
            Returns TRUE if the property exists.
                (STRING) name
        get (STRING):
            Retrieve the value for a given property. The empty string is
            returned if the property does not exist. See the exists() method if
            you need to know if the property exists or not.
                (STRING) name
        properties (STRING):
            Return the set of property names
        put (VOID):
            Set the value of a property.
                (STRING) name
                (STRING) value
If we inspect ics-nl-processing.asl, we find the following code:
do { props = self->object("ASL_NLData", localProps); }
... and then later ...
hook->setVariable("PropsName", localProps) ? IGNORE;
So, PropsName is the name of an object whose class is "ASL_NLData". Note the following:
  • The ASL_NLData object is used to store the attributes of the notification for easy access by the scripts which process the notification.  
  • The hookscript is passed the name of the ASL_NLData object in the PropsName variable.  
  • The hookscript can then access most of the attributes of the notification object by calling the get() method.  
  • The put() method can be used to update the ASL_NLData object, which may be useful as a way of passing data back to the calling script, but has no other use (it does not update the notification object).  
  • The advantage to using the ASL_NLData object rather than the notification object directly is that the ASL_NLData object is a local object, existing in the local repository, whereas the notification object might be in a remote repository.  
  • So, in essence, the object whose name is passed in PropsName is a local cache of most of the attributes of the notification object.  
  • To find out which attributes of the notification have been cached, inspect the properties attribute, or call the exists() method