How do I change the SNMP community string for devices in my Smarts AM topology?
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How do I change the SNMP community string for devices in my Smarts AM topology?


Article ID: 303987


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How do I change the SNMP Community string on devices in the topology?
How to change the community strings for some or all devices in the Smarts Availability manager topology.

Run the following command to create a seedfile.  It will dump a list of all of the devices currently in your AM(-PM) topology.

  • IP/smarts/bin/sm_tpmgr -s <AM domain> --dump-agents > <PATH>/seedfile

Edit the seedfile and remove ALL devices that are NOT going to have their Community changed.  Make the neccessary changes to the COMMUNITY values for the remaining devices and save the seedfile.

Run the following command to have the changes take effect.

  • IP/smarts/bin/sm_tpmgr -s <AM domain> --update-community --seed=<full path to>/ seedfile

Additional Information

Running the above command will immediately update the community strings for those devices specified in the seedfile without requiring a rediscovery or delete and readdition of the device(s).