Smarts ESM: : How do I change the port used by SunMcSNMPPort? Can I change it to use port 161?
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Smarts ESM: : How do I change the port used by SunMcSNMPPort? Can I change it to use port 161?


Article ID: 303983


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VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How do I change the port used by SunMcSNMPPort in EMC Server Manager (ESM)?
Can I change the port used by SunMcSNMPPort (1263) in ESM to use port 161?

It is not recommended to change the SunMcSNMPPort port 1263 to default SNMP port 161, as SNMP uses the default UDP port 161 for general SNMP messages and UDP port 162 for SNMP trap messages. Also, you cannot run SunMC and NetSNMP on the same port. In addition, changing the SunMcSNMPPort port 1263 to default SNMP port 161 will cause Ionix IP/Smarts IP to classify the device as a node, and nodes do not get imported to ESM.

You can change the default SunMcSNMPPort from the default port 1161 to another desired port using the following DMCTL command sequence. The example used in the following command sequence (some output omitted) shows how you could change the default port 1161 to port 1263: 

dmctl> attach INCHARGE-ESM
Server INCHARGE-ESM User: admin
admin's Password: XXXXXXXX
Attached to 'INCHARGE-ESM'

dmctl> get ESM_Manager::ESM-Manager
Properties of ESM_Manager::ESM-Manager:
CreationClassName = ESM_Manager
<output ommitted>
SunMcSNMPPort = 1161            #default value#

dmctl> put ESM_Manager::ESM-Manager::SunMcSNMPPort 1263

dmctl> get ESM_Manager::ESM-Manager

Properties of ESM_Manager::ESM-Manager:
CreationClassName = ESM_Manager
<output ommitted>
SunMcSNMPPort = 1263            #confirm changed value#