Unable to login through the Smarts Service Assurance Manager (SAM) console.
The following error is seen when attempting to connect to the Smarts Service Assurance Manager (SAM) Console:
cannot attach to global manager. com.smarts.store.sm not found exception
Cannot find the Smarts SAM instance ICS_UserProfile::ics-PROFILE-<user>-profile when the following command is used:
dmctl -s INCHARGE-SA getI ICS_UserProfile
SMARTS 10.1.x
TCSA 2.x
To restore user profiles, the original SAM domain must be restored from backup, and the user profile data extracted and then imported into production SAM. To do this, the following actions MUST be done from the server running SAM.
./sm_server -n <SAM>-RESTORE -c ics --output --ignore-restore-errors
to make sure that the domain has started and is registered with the broker../sm_config -s <SAM>-RESTORE export SAM-config-export.xml
./sm_config -s <production SAM> import --force SAM-config-export.xml