Smarts ESM: How to automate process monitoring using settings configured in files, bypassing the GUI?
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Smarts ESM: How to automate process monitoring using settings configured in files, bypassing the GUI?


Article ID: 303958


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How can I automate Smarts Server Manager process monitoring using settings configured in files?
How can I bypass the graphical interface to implement automated process monitoring from file settings?


To automate process monitoring using settings configured in files, do the following:

  1. Create the process monitoring configuration file following the guidelines and specifications in the following section of this Fix statement ("Creating the process monitoring configuration files").
  2. Once you have created and saved the files, right-click on the ESM Domain Manager at the top left of the Topology tree, and select load all ESM monitoring data from backup. 
  3. In the dialog confirmation, click Yes to start the process of loading all the Process Monitoring configuration settings from the existing files.

Creating the process monitoring configuration files
For each host, you need to create a file named APP-<hostname>.txt.  For example, if the host is named, the file name should be the following:

The process names and arguments have to be unique for the Process Monitoring setup. You cannot have two instances of the same process or arguments. Each process monitoring configuration file should have the format of the following example:

Application tomcat6
Process tomcat6.exe
Argument //RS//vctomcat
Min 1
Max 1
Cpu -1
Mem -1

Application VMware
Process vmtoolsd.exe
Min 1
Max 1
Cpu -1
Mem -1