Smarts: SDI Adapter is shown as DEAD in the Smarts broker ('brcontrol' command output)
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Smarts: SDI Adapter is shown as DEAD in the Smarts broker ('brcontrol' command output)


Article ID: 303957


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Smarts SDI Adapter is shown as DEAD in the Smarts broker

The following is found in the logs for the Smarts SDI Adapter:

SQIF-E-SQLIF_EXECUTE_FAILED-Execution of the SQL statement Update
IC_T_Summary_Device set IsDeleted=1,UpdatedTS='2008-11-28 12:03:21' where
(SYSDATE-UpdateDTS)>1 failed because of: [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-00060:
deadlock detected while waiting for resource. . SQLState is HY000

The logs for the Smarts SDI Adapter show the following:

VIF-W-ESERVERCONNECT-While attempting to (re)connect to the remote server
 SM-ENOTREGISTERED-Domain Manager is not registered with the DM Broker


Smarts broker brcontrol command output shows the SDI adapter State is DEAD as in the following example:

C:\Documents and Settings\didata>brcontrol
Broker is located at: localhost:426      Started: Nov 28 12:02:36 2008

Domain             Host Name              Port   PID     State   Last Change Time
----------------- ---------------------- ------ ------- ------- --------------------
SDI-ADAPTER        smarts                 9501    5840   DEAD    Dec 31 09:08:20 2008

Re-starting the Windows service for the Smarts SDI Adapter does not resolve this issue


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The cause for this issue has not been determined.


To resolve this issue, remove and re-add the Smarts domain as follows:

  1. Run the following command to remove the domain:

    <BASEDIR>/smarts/bin ./dmquit

  2. Run the following command to re-add the domain:

    <BASEDIR>/smarts/bin ./dmstart