Smarts AM: Some devices discovered using SNMP v3 are added to the pending list with status UNDISCOVERED, but others are discovered correctly; Packet trace entries for problem devices reference 'Engine ID Conformance'
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Smarts AM: Some devices discovered using SNMP v3 are added to the pending list with status UNDISCOVERED, but others are discovered correctly; Packet trace entries for problem devices reference 'Engine ID Conformance'


Article ID: 303932


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Some devices discovered by Smarts AM using SNMP v3 are added to the pending list with status UNDISCOVERED, but others are discovered correctly

The following message is in the log file for Smarts AM:

ADTM-N-AD_LOG-09-Apr-2009 13:03:36 CEST, at 'SeedResponse t@60', while
    discovering '', add to pending, UNDISCOVERED

Packet trace captured the following entries in the packets for all the devices which are not being discovered correctly by Smarts AM:

Context Engine ID: <ID Number>
....... = Engine ID Conformance: RFC1910 (Non - SNMPv3)
Data not conforming to RFC1910


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The above symptoms are related to the EngineID defined on the devices and is not caused by a Smarts issue.


Smarts is working as designed. To resolve this issue, ensure that the correct EngineID is defined on the devices and the devices should discover correctly.