Smarts IP Availability Manager: How do I see traps that are sent to a Smarts AM IP domain?; How do I enable debug-level logging for Smarts AM traps like a "link down" trap?
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Smarts IP Availability Manager: How do I see traps that are sent to a Smarts AM IP domain?; How do I enable debug-level logging for Smarts AM traps like a "link down" trap?


Article ID: 303922


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How do I see traps that are sent to a Smarts IP Availability Manager (Smarts AM) domain?
How do I check for a link down trap in the Smarts IP AM domain log?

How do I enable debug-level logging in the Smarts IP AM domain log?

Trap processing for Smarts AM is handled in the devstat-snmp-trap.asl ASL script found here:


1.) To enable debug-level logging for the traps in the Smarts IP AM domain log, run the following command:

<BASEDIR>/IP/smarts/bin/dmctl -s <AM-PM Domain> put ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager::DebugEnabled TRUE

NOTE: In IP Manager versions 9.2.2 and after, DebugEnabled was hard coded in the discovery.conf file (<BASEDIR>/IP/smarts/conf/discovery/discovery.conf) to FALSE, so after any restart of the IP domain process, DebugEnabled will be set back to FALSE.

2.) To finalize the enabling of the trap debugging in the domain log do one of the following:

a.) In IP Manager versions previous to 9.2.2, you can restart the domain to finalize the enabling of the trap debugging in the domain log.

b.) In IP Manager versions 9.2.2 and after, you can optionally do one of the following:
  • Manually set DebugEnabled = FALSE in the discovery.conf file to TRUE and restart the IP domain process
c.) In IP Manager versions previous to 9.2.2, including and after, you can do the following that will allow for the enabling of trap debugging in the IP domain log, without having to restart the domain process.
  • Restart the internal trap driver with the following commands:
Stop the Driver:
dmctl -s <ip-domain> invoke GA_DaemonDriver::Devstat-Trap-Driver stop

Start the Driver:
dmctl -s <ip-domain> invoke GA_DaemonDriver::Devstat-Trap-Driver start

Additional Information

The trap output will appear in the IP domain log file in <BASEDIR>/IP/smarts/local/logs/<domain name>.log file and will look similar to the following:

[February 25, 2015 9:35:17 AM EST +845ms] t@3384 Devstat-Trap-Driver

.|C0 A8 01 DA |