Smarts SAM: Notifications are not being removed from Top Level Smarts SAM when manually archived in Low Level Smarts SAM and vice versa
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Smarts SAM: Notifications are not being removed from Top Level Smarts SAM when manually archived in Low Level Smarts SAM and vice versa


Article ID: 303915


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Notifications are not being removed from Top Level Smarts SAM when manually archived in Low Level Smarts SAM and vice versa
Notification manually archived in Low Level SAM is removed from Low Level Notification Console but stays in Top Level Smarts SAM

Notification manually archived in Top Level Smarts SAM is removed from Top Level but stays in Low Level Smarts SAM


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Smarts SAM Archive operation is always self-contained (controlled by archival period in seconds) and never propagates in either direction (Top to Low or Low to Top)


No fix is available or required. Smarts SAM is functioning as designed