Syslog messages clear from Global Console upon restart of Smarts Syslog Adapter
Article ID: 303913
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VMware Smart Assurance
Syslog adapter is running but no syslog events appear in Smarts OI or SAM Consoles
Syslog messages clear from Global Console upon restart of Smarts Syslog Adapter
VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS
The syslog adapter configuration file ships by default with a setting to discard all incoming syslog messages when the adapter is started.
Change the default value in the my_hook_syslog.asl under the MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES section near the end of the file for DISCARD = "TRUE"; to DISCARD = "FALSE";
The my_hook_syslog.asl file has a DISCARD parameter at the top of the file. Do not change the parameter here as it will have no effect. You must make the change to the file at approximately line 219 where is begins with: