First, go through the existing certifications for the vendor and try to find a close match. If it is a router, see if there are any routers certified for this vendor. Also, look how close the OID of the device is to the already certified device. The closest match will be used as a TEMPLATE.
Copy the existing Certification
sm_edit conf/discovery/oid2type_Field.conf
Paste the certification to conf/discovery/oid2type_Field.conf
Modify the OID to reflect the new device and change the CERTIFICATION type to TEMPLATE
Save the file. It will be saved in the <BASEDIR>/IP/smarts/local/conf/discovery directory
To load the Field certification run the following command:
<BASEDIR>/IP/smarts/bin/sm_tpmgr -s <IP_NAME> --reloadoid Now discover devices with that OID. Below is a template certification for a Cisco Router. In order to configure this template for other Cisco Routers, one needs to fill in the SysOID and the MODEL and make sure that CERTIFICATION is set to TEMPLATE.
<SysOID> {
TYPE = Router
VENDOR = Cisco
CONT = Cisco-Router
NEIGHBOR = Cisco-Cdp
Environment = CiscoEnvMon:DeviceID
CPU/Memory = CiscoRouter
Interface-Fault = MIB2
Interface-Performance = CiscoRouter
Interface-Ethernet-Performance = CiscoRouter_Ethernet
In this example I used Cisco 7100 certification below:
Cisco 7100 Series Router (C7100-JK2S-M)
. {
TYPE = Router
VENDOR = Cisco
MODEL = C7100-JK2S-M
CONT = Cisco-Router
NEIGHBOR = Cisco-Cdp
HEALTH = Cisco-Router
Environment = CiscoEnvMon:DeviceID
CPU/Memory = CiscoRouter
Interface-Fault = MIB2
Interface-Performance = CiscoRouter
Interface-Ethernet-Performance = CiscoRouter_Ethernet