Interfaces discovered are being deleted/removed after discovery during post-processing
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Interfaces discovered are being deleted/removed after discovery during post-processing


Article ID: 303890


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VMware Smart Assurance


Interfaces that are discovered during Smarts IP discovery are removed during post processing. The following entry is found in the Smarts IP log indicating device deletion after discovery:

Line 7453: DSCV-W-DELETE_COMPONENT-'IF-<Device_Name>/526 [et-0/1/17]' is no longer found on '<Device_Name>'. It is removed from topology


Smarts - 10.1.x


The device does not have an IP address. By default, Smarts will only discover interface data for devices that have an IP address. Interfaces that are discovered but then found to not have an IP address will be removed from the Smarts IP topology.


You can change the default behavior so that Smarts IP will discover all Interfaces on devices whether or not the device's interface has an IP address. This can be done as follows:

  • Open the tpmgr-param.conf configuration file for editing using sm_edit utility as sm_edit ../conf/discovery/tpmgr-param.conf.
  • Add the following line to the tpmgr-param.conf file:
    • IFTypePatternIFExt.<Device's SysOID> *
  • Save and close the tpmgr-param.conf file.
  • Reload the tpmgr-param.conf file as follows:
    • sm_tpmgr -s <IP_DOMAIN> --load-conf=tpmgr-param.conf
  • Rediscover the device in Smarts IP. 
  • Confirm that all Interfaces are discovered and not deleted in post-processing. 

Additional Information

You can view asl messages after enabling debug.

Debug commands:

./dmctl -s <AM-PM Domain> put ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager::DebugEnabled TRUE

./dmctl -s <AM-PM Domain> put ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager::LogDiscoveryProgress TRUE

./dmctl -s <AM-PM Domain> put ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager::LogTracing TRUE