Receive the following ASL error in Smarts IP server log file:
MR-OBJECT_NOT_FOUND_EX-Cannot find object
The following ASL errors are reported in the Smarts IP server log file:
[July 12, 2012 8:31:23 AM GMT+01:00 +477ms] t@1256499552 Discovery #10
ASL-W-ERROR_RULE_SOURCE-While executing rule set '/opt/InCharge8/IP/smarts/rules/discovery/ic-create-interface.asl'
ASL-ERROR_ACTION-While executing action at:
ASL-CALL_STACK_RULE- RuleName: EOF, Line: 113
ASL-ERROR_INVOKE-While attempting to invoke operation 'makeInterface' of object 'LoadBalancer::gold-slb-002-admin'
MR2-MR_WHILE_OPERATION_INVOKE-While invoking operation makeInterface in object 'LoadBalancer::gold-slb-002-admin'
MR-OBJECT_NOT_FOUND_EX-Cannot find object 'LoadBalancer::gold-bt1-slb-002-admin'
MR-CALL_ON_NULL_OBJECT-Tried to make a call on a NULL repository object; in file "/work/blackcurrent/DMT-9.0.0.X/1358/smarts/repos/servif/SM_RepositoryServer.c" at line 1089
The "MR-OBJECT_NOT_FOUND_EX-Cannot find object" ASL errors will occur if a device does not exist in the topology and Smarts is trying to access it. In the following example scenario, all the devices below have the same sysName, sysOID and MAC, so as expected and as per Smarts design only one of the devices will be discovered in the topology.
In this example, the IP server logfile extract for this issue could look like the following:
[July 16, 2012 1:56:31 PM GMT+01:00 +087ms] t@1245993312 Discovery #7
DSCV-W-DELETE_NODE-'LoadBalancer gold-slb-001-admin' is deleted because it is the same device as 'LoadBalancer gold-slb-001-outbound'
[July 16, 2012 1:56:31 PM GMT+01:00 +380ms] t@1256499552 Discovery #10
AD_MSG-*-AD_LOG-at 'ProbeClosure t@1256499552', while discovering 'gold-slb-001-admin', probe loop, null agent
"MR-OBJECT_NOT_FOUND_EX-Cannot find object" These errors can be ignored.
As per design, Smarts uses multiple threads for discovery. As seen in the above logs, thread #7 has deleted gold-slb-001-admin and thread #10 is trying to
access gold-slb-001-admin, so there are ASL errors during discovery. But once the discovery is completed the duplicated devices will be deleted and there won't be any ASL errors.