Ionix SAM/Smarts SAM: How can I remove the varbind when sending a trap using ACT_SNMP?
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Ionix SAM/Smarts SAM: How can I remove the varbind when sending a trap using ACT_SNMP?


Article ID: 303880


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How can I remove the Ionix SAM/Smarts SAM varbind when sending a trap using ACT_SNMP?

To remove the Ionix SAM/Smarts SAM varbind when sending a trap using ACT_SNMP, you must upgrade to Ionix SAM 8.1.2 or later. Ionix SAM 8.1.2 adds the useSmTrapAddr flag which can be used to determine if the trap will add Smarts varbind on to the trap.  By default this is set to TRUE. The following sections show the operation syntax for using the useSmTrapAddr flag and an example of the code. 

Operation syntax
<void> traps <structure set>targets <string>generic <int>specific <object>varbinds <string>enterprise <boolean>useSmTrapAddr

Operation example
The following shows an example of the code required to remove the Smarts varbind:

targets = list();
targets += list("192.x.x.x",numeric("444"),"V1","","","","","","","");

snmp->traps(targets, "enterpriseSpecific", 0 , varbinds, ".", FALSE) ? LOG, STOP;