This is documented in the SAM Operator Guide (has been place since SAM 8.1)
This is only possible via the bulk maintenance feature and cannot be done via the GUI. The following are the steps prescribed in the doc:
The Schedule Maintenance functionality is available only for classes which belong to the following categories: UnitaryComputerSystem ICIMServiceConnection SoftwareService NetworkConnection Scheduling bulk maintenance for port and interface components You schedule bulk maintenance for port and interface components by specifying the component s SystemName, the device instance name, in either a text file or an XML file. Scheduling bulk maintenance for port and interface components using a text file To schedule bulk maintenance for port and interface components using a text file: 1.Open a text editor. 2.Create a file with the format: ClassName InstanceName startdate startTime enddate endTime SystemName where the: Format for the startdate and enddate values is mm-dd-yyyy and the format for startTime and endTime values is HH::MM. SystemName is the name of the system that hosts the given port or interface. You can obtain the SystemName from the Topology Browser console.
Port and interface objects are not imported into SAM. There is no way to validate these object names in SAM. If an invalid port name or interface name is specified in the bulk maintenance input file, a notification for that element is created, even
though the element is invalid (misnamed).
Hour value is from 023
Minute value is from 059
End date must be later then start date
End time should be later than current time Values are delimited with space characters and comments are added with a pound character at the start of the line. For example, # This is the input file for bulk maintenance for ports and interfaces
# Ports to be scheduled for maintence are Port abc 08-05-2009 16:00 08-05-2009 19:00 router1 3.Save and exit the file. 4.Upload the file into the server. Loading the bulk maintenance text tile on page 127 provides detailed information for uploading the text file to the server. Scheduling bulk maintenance for port and interface components using an XML file To schedule bulk maintenance for port and interface components using an XML file: 1.Open an XML editor. 2.Create a file with the format: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE ics_config SYSTEM "ics-config.dtd">
<ics_config version="2">
<maintconfig className = "Port" instanceName = "abc" startYear = "2009"
startMonth = "7"
startDay = "26"
startHour= "10"
startMinute= "00"
endYear = "2009"
endMonth = "7"
endDay = "28"
endHour= "16"
endMinute = "00"
systemName = "router1"/> </ics_config> where the: Hour value is from 023
Minute value is from 059
End date must be later then start date
End time should be later than current time
The port abc resides on router1, and router1 must be in the SAM topology. If router1 is not in the SAM topology, it ignores the entry in the XML file. 3.Save and close the file. 4.Upload the XML file to the server. Loading the bulk maintenance XML file on page 128 provides detailed information on uploading the XML file to the server