Smarts IP: How can I reduce the number of SNMP Polling errors logged in Smarts IP log file?
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Smarts IP: How can I reduce the number of SNMP Polling errors logged in Smarts IP log file?


Article ID: 303861


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VMware Smart Assurance



How can I reduce the number of SNMP Polling errors logged in Smarts IP log file?

The following is logged in Smarts IP log file:

SNMP-E-AGENTERRORSTATS-Below message for SNMP agent at 'x.x.x.x:161', was suppressed 0 times since The Epoch


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The current default is 30 minutes for the SNMP Logging Threshold. This value can be increased up to 1440 minute to decrease the frequency of SNMP polling. You can decide the value to be set depending on how frequently the messages are being logged. The following command will show the current setting. 

./dmctl -s <IP Domain> -b <broker> get SM_System::SM-System::snmpLoggingThreshold

To change the SNMP Logging Threshold to 120 minutes, you would use the following command:

./dmctl -s <IP Domain> -b <broker> put SM_System::SM-System::snmpLoggingThreshold 120