Smarts SAM: How do I change the Column heading displayed in Smarts Console an attribute? Is it possible to update the display names of the User-Defined fields and other notification properties?
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Smarts SAM: How do I change the Column heading displayed in Smarts Console an attribute? Is it possible to update the display names of the User-Defined fields and other notification properties?


Article ID: 303851


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



How do I change the heading displayed for a Smarts attribute in the Smarts SAM Notification Log Console?

User would like to update the display names of the User-Defined fields and other notification properties in the Smarts Console


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


  1. Open the Smarts Console and attach to the SAM domain.
  2. Once the notification list is displayed, click on Configure -> Global Manager Administration Console.
  3. Drill into Notification Lists and click on the specific Notification list you wish to update (to see the notification list applicable to your login profile, drill into User-Profiles).
  4. After clicking on the appropriate Notification List, scroll down to the bottom section (Edit Display Heading).
  5. The column on the left is read-only and is the list of internal names for the notification attributes(columns).
  6. The column on the right is editable and is the display name for each attribute.
  7. Update the display names for the user-defined fields as appropriate (double click on a field to edit).
  8. Click Apply to save the change.
  9. Restart the Smarts Console and you will see the notification attributes are updated with the new display names.