Can you manage interface but unmanage the underlying IP address?
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Can you manage interface but unmanage the underlying IP address?


Article ID: 303850


Updated On: 12-01-2024


VMware Smart Assurance


Smarts IP Suite: Can you manage an interface but unmanage the underlying IP address?

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VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


You can manage an interface but unmanage the underlying IP address in Smarts IP Suite. When the underlying IP address is unmanaged, Smarts will no longer ping this IP address.  The interfaces are still managed through the MIB and interface events will still be generated based on each interface's status.

Additional Information

No reconfiguration is necessary when unmanaging an IP.  It is necessary if you decide to manage the IP again. If you do, you can either click the Reconfigure button in Domain Admin Manager Console, or wait for the next discovery.