Smarts IP: How do I change or update the object name field (Display Name) for a large number of Devices in a Smarts IP Domain?
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Smarts IP: How do I change or update the object name field (Display Name) for a large number of Devices in a Smarts IP Domain?


Article ID: 303831


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How do I change or update the object name field (Display Name) for a large number of Devices in a Smarts IP Domain?

To change or update the name field (Display Name) for a large number of Devices in IP Domain, you can do either of the following:

Use dmctl and put command
Use dmctl and put command as follows:

Command syntax
dmctl -s <servername> put <class>::<instance>::<property> <value1>

Command example
dmctl -s <servername> put Switch::<instance>::DisplayName "New_name"

Change the name format
You can change the name format as follows (see Note statement):

  1. Change the name format to USESEEDNAME from the ICF-TopologyManager.
  2. Use the seed file to be altered with the seedname=<New_name> for all the device and do a seedfile discovery.

Additional Information

Devices need to be deleted first prior taking this action to avoid duplication.