cisco_syslog_mgr.asl: Bad entry received in syslog_mgr.asl => May 18 11:35:01 ab1cdefg23 osad: osad shutdown failed
cisco_syslog_mgr.asl: Bad entry received in syslog_mgr.asl => May 18 11:35:02 ab1cdefg23 osad: osad startup succeeded
The message is appearing in the logs because it is not matching the NOTIFY_EVENT filter { discard == "FALSE" } in the new, edited syslog_mgr.asl (cisco_syslog_mgr.asl), so the above default message is displayed in the adapter sys log.DEFAULT {
def_msg:{..eol}? } do { print(time().ASLNAME."Bad entry received in syslog_mgr.asl => ".def_msg); }
def_msg:{..eol}? } do { print(time().ASLNAME."Bad entry received in syslog_mgr.asl => ".def_msg); }