Smarts NPM for IS-IS: How can you supress interface disabled notifications from Smarts NPM for IS-IS?
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Smarts NPM for IS-IS: How can you supress interface disabled notifications from Smarts NPM for IS-IS?


Article ID: 303815


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How can you supress interface disabled notifications from Smarts NPM for IS-IS?

To supress Smarts NPM interface disabled notifications from IS-IS, do the following:
  1. Open the Smarts Domain Manager Admin Console and connect to ISIS.
  2. Select the MSI_AdapterManager class and select the ISIS-Adapter-Manager object.
  3. On the right side, select the AdminDownFlag attribute in the ISIS-Adapter-Manager object ,and change the value from false to true.
  4. Click Apply and Refresh, and all Interface Disabled Notifications will be gone.

After you have made this change, you do not need to restart or reconfigure the domain.