Smarts SAM: "IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge" and "BroadcastEventStateOnRestart " attribute values changed to "FALSE" using DMCTL do not persist across domain restarts but return to attribute default values (TRUE)
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Smarts SAM: "IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge" and "BroadcastEventStateOnRestart " attribute values changed to "FALSE" using DMCTL do not persist across domain restarts but return to attribute default values (TRUE)


Article ID: 303801


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VMware Smart Assurance



Smarts SAM ICS-NotificationFactory IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge attribute value changed to "FALSE" using DMCTL does not persist across domain restarts
Smarts SAM ICS-NotificationFactory BroadcastEventStateOnRestart attribute value changed to "FALSE" using DMCTL does not persist across domain restarts

Smarts SAM ICS-NotificationFactory IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge and BroadcastEventStateOnRestart attribute values changed to "FALSE" using DMCTL return to attribute default value (TRUE) after domain restart

Smarts SAM ICS-NotificationFactory IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge and BroadcastEventStateOnRestart attribute values changed using DMCTL do not persist but those changed using the Global Console do

After Smarts SAM domain restart, attributes values changed to FALSE return to TRUE (default value)


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The parameter values for IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge and BroadcastEventStateOnRestart are picked up from the ics-default.xml (/local/conf/ics/ics-default.xml in ICS_NotificationFactory). These attribute values are set to TRUE by default and the ICS_SystemDefaultsConfiguration stores these valuesThe ICS_NotificationFactory only populates these values from the ICS_SystemDefaultsConfiguration. Because of this, the DMCTL command will not make these changes persistent as the values are again picked up from the repository having ICS_SystemDefaultsConfiguration settings which is still 'TRUE'.


The following ChangeToFALSE.asl ASL script will change the ICS_SystemDefaultsConfiguration values for BroadcastEventStateOnRestart and IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge to "FALSE" so that they persist across domain restarts. 

ChangeToFALSE.asl ASL script

  objRef = object("ICS_SystemDefaultsConfiguration", "ICS-System Defaults");
  print("IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge: ".objRef->IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge);
  print("BroadcastEventStateOnRestart: ".objRef->BroadcastEventStateOnRestart );
  print("Setting it to FALSE");
  objRef->IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge = FALSE;
  objRef->BroadcastEventStateOnRestart = FALSE;
  print("IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge: ".objRef->IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge);
  print("BroadcastEventStateOnRestart: ".objRef->BroadcastEventStateOnRestart );

 Running the ASL script
 To run the ChangeToFALSE.asl script, do the following:
  1. Run the following command: 

    # sm_adapter -b <broker> -s <SAM server> ChangeToFALSE.asl

  2. Run the following DMCTL commands to make the changes so that any later restart will not change the current values of BroadcastEventStateOnRestart and IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge:

    dmctl -s <SAM domain> put ICS_NotificationFactory::ICS-NotificationFactory::IsUseHierarchicalAcknowledge FALSE
    dmctl -s <SAM domain> put ICS_NotificationFactory::ICS-NotificationFactory::BroadcastEventStateOnRestart  FALSE

  3. Restart the Smarts SAM Domain (see Note statement).

Additional Information

Restarting the SAM server again from the rps will have the values populated in both ICS_SystemDefaultsConfiguration and ICS_NotificationFactory.