Port channel interfaces are not being created in Smarts for Cisco devices running CDP
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Port channel interfaces are not being created in Smarts for Cisco devices running CDP


Article ID: 303798


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


Port Channel Interfaces are not being created in the Smarts IP topology after Smarts discovery of Cisco devices with CDP enabled.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


To enable smarts to create interfaces in this environment:

  1. Open the tpgmr-param.conf file in /local/conf/discovery directory.
  2. Add the following line

    #4846 layer 3 switch [create PortChannel interfaces]
    IFDescrPatternIFExt. *port*channel*

    Note: You can add the sysoids for the devices in question. 
  3. Save and close the tpgmr-param.conf file.
  4. Open the the DISCOVERY_CISCO.import driver file located in \local\conf\discovery directory.
  5. Add the line where indicated in the following:

      GA_CompoundDriver::Containment-Cisco-Switch-Driver { 
      drivers = { 

            {"Containment-Create-Interface-Driver", 10}, 
            {"Containment-Create-Interface-Ext-Driver", 15},  <---- add this line 
            {"Containment-Create-Port-IfDescr-Driver", 20}, 
            {"Cisco-Check-IpSec-Driver", 25}, 
            {"Containment-IfMIB-Stack-Driver", 30}, 
            {"Containment-IfTable-Driver", 40} 
        waitForCompletion = TRUE

  6. Save and close the DISCOVERY_CISCO.import driver file.