Smarts: How can I use dmctl to check my SAM system defaults such as 'AutoAcknowledgmentInterval'?
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Smarts: How can I use dmctl to check my SAM system defaults such as 'AutoAcknowledgmentInterval'?


Article ID: 303795


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VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How can I check my SAM System Defaults using DMCTL?
How do I check the Smarts SAM AutoAcknowledgmentInterval?

How do I check the Smarts SAM AuditTrailSizeLimit?

How do I check the Smarts SAM InactiveAutoArchiveInterval?

It is recommended that you configure and manage system defaults using the Global Manager Administration Console. For more information on this, see Chapters 4 and 5 in the EMC Smarts Service Assurance Manager 7.1 Configuration Guide (P/N 300-005-029). This document is available on Powerlink and is also installed as part of the EMC Smarts SAM 7.1 software installation in the following location:


If you must check the current System Default values using dmctl, note that these parameters are configured in the ICS_NotificationFactory in the following example:

Properties of ICS_NotificationFactory::ICS-NotificationFactory:
                     CreationClassName = ICS_NotificationFactory
                           Description =
                           DisplayName =
                                  Name = ICS-NotificationFactory
                           ServiceName =
                        aggregateClass = ICS_Notification
            defaultAuditTrailSizeLimit = 100
     defaultAutoAcknowledgmentInterval = 301
    defaultInactiveAutoArchiveInterval = 14402
                     notificationClass = ICS_Notification
                    notificationPrefix = NOTIFICATION-

Therefore, you could use the following dmctl command to get the InactiveAutoArchiveInterval for your currently running SAM domain:

./dmctl -b <Broker> -s <SAM_Domain> get ICS_NotificationFactory::ICS-NotificationFactory::defaultInactiveAutoArchiveInterval